The present ethnobotanical study was conducted to identify plant species used by Burundians to treat malaria and to repel mosquitoes, to compare this with existing literature, identify species which could be further investigated and discuss potential future promotion or cultivation. Surveys were conducted between April and October 2018 in seven provinces representing the five ecological zones of Burundi. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 341 randomly selected respondents (between 25 and 50 household heads in each province). A total of 44 plant species were reported in this study: 32 as antimalarial, two as mosquito repellents and 10 for both purposes. For antimalarial plants (84%) and mosquito repellent plants (88%), leaves were the most commonly used plant part. According to the respondents, 28 plant species were being cultivated and 16 were mostly collected from the wild. An examination of the literature on some of the plant species mentioned in this study revealed that eight of them had never been studied before. The use of antimalarial and mosquito repellent plants in Burundi was highlighted in this study. Its goal is to create a database of antimalarial and mosquito repellent plants. This will aid decision-making in the development of traditional medicine and the conservation of medicinal plants