Atelier de sensibilisation de la population de quatre collines de la commune Bukeye (zone Bukeye) limitrophes du Parc national de la Kibira sur l'importance socio-économique de Prunus africana
Dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du projet "Renforcement des capacités des parties prenantes en vue d'une gestion durable de Prunus africana au Burundi", il est prévu du 25 au 27 Novembre 2020, à l'Hôtel Teza Mount Residence, un atelier de sensibilisation de la population des collines limitrophes du Parc National de la Kibira sur l'importance socio-économique de Prunus africana. Cet atelier débutera chaque fois à 8h00.
Objectifs d'Aichi
1. Awareness increased
1.1. People are aware of the values of biodiversity
1.2. People are aware of the steps they can take to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity
3.2. Positive incentives for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity developed and applied
5.3. Degradation and fragmentation are significantly reduced
12. Extinction prevented
12.1. Extinction of known threatened species has been prevented
12.2. The conservation status of those species most in decline has been improved and sustained
15.2. At least 15 per cent of degraded ecosystems are restored, contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to combating desertification
19.2. Biodiversity knowledge, the science base and technologies are widely shared and transferred and applied
25 - 27 November 2020