Type de document
Meeting report
The SBSTTA 24 took place in Montreal, Canada, in 2021. It provided an opportunity for Africa and EAC in particular to present the common message to contribute to the development of the post 2020 global biodiversity framework
Date de publication (du fichier / URL)
1 novembre 2020
Aichi targets
1. Awareness increased
2. Biodiversity values integrated
3. Incentives reformed
4. Sustainable production and consumption
5. Habitat loss halved or reduced
6. Sustainable management of marine living resources
7. Sustainable agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
8. Pollution reduced
9. Invasive alien species prevented and controlled
10. Pressures on vulnerable ecosystems reduced
11. Protected areas increased and improved
12. Extinction prevented
13. Genetic diversity maintained
14. Ecosystems and essential services safeguarded
15. Ecosystems restored and resilience enhanced
16. Nagoya Protocol in force and operational
17. NBSAPs adopted as policy instrument
18. Traditional knowledge respected and integrated
19. Knowledge improved, shared and applied
20. Financial resources from all sources increased
Objectif national connexe (un ou plusieurs)