Target 13

13. Effective measures are in place for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits that arise from the utilization of genetic resources and from digital sequence information on genetic resources

Take effective legal, policy, administrative and capacity-building measures at all levels, as appropriate, to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits that arise from the utilization of genetic resources and from digital sequence information on genetic resources, as well as traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and facilitating appropriate access to genetic resources, and by 2030 facilitating a significant increase of the benefits shared, in accordance with applicable international access and benefit-sharing instruments.

Take effective legal, policy, administrative and capacity-building measures at all levels, as appropriate, to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits that arise from the utilization of genetic resources and from digital sequence information on genetic resources, as well as traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and facilitating appropriate access to genetic resources, and by 2030 facilitating a significant increase of the benefits shared, in accordance with applicable international access and benefit-sharing instruments.
Type de document
Meeting report
Date de publication (du fichier / URL)
6 mai 2024

Dans le cadre de la mise œuvre du Projet de production des essences agroforestières, foretières, autochtones et plantes médicinales de l’OBPE des descentes sur terrains ont été effectuées dans les circonscriptions administratives frontalières avec des points potentiels de contrôles des ressources

Type de document
Date de publication (du fichier / URL)
4 août 2024

Dans le cadre de la mise œuvre du Projet de production des essences agroforestières, foretières, autochtones et plantes médicinales, une équipe composée par Mme MANIRAKIZA Odette, MASABO Onesphore et MBARUSHIMANA Didier, tous du Service Recherche en Biodiversité s’est rendue en province Makamba et