Target 17

17. Biosafety measures are strengthened and its benefits are distributed

Establish, strengthen capacity for, and implement in all countries biosafety measures as set out in Article 8(g) of the Convention on Biological Diversity and measures for the handling of biotechnology and distribution of its benefits as set out in Article 19 of the Convention

Establish, strengthen capacity for, and implement in all countries biosafety measures as set out in Article 8(g) of the Convention on Biological Diversity and measures for the handling of biotechnology and distribution of its benefits as set out in Article 19 of the Convention
Type de document
Meeting report
Date de publication (du fichier / URL)
1 novembre 2020

The SBSTTA 24 took place in Montreal, Canada, in 2021. It provided an opportunity for Africa and EAC in particular to present the common message to contribute to the development of the post 2020 global biodiversity framework